The Wierenga Family

Welcome to the first official day of summer! I know I'm going to blink and it will be winter again, but for right now, it's pretty nice to be enjoying plenty of long, sunny days. It definitely felt like summer when I visited Ron and Diane's beautiful cottage to photograph them with their amazing family. Everyone was so warm and welcoming, and we had the best morning together. (I wonder how many times you can just casually "drop by for a visit" before you're officially banned. Asking for a friend.)

The Kieliszewski Family

It's not often that I blog back to back, but I was dying to squeeze this in before Christmas. We weren't expecting that this session was going to take place inside a snow globe, but in the end I think it totally works. We had such a fun morning tromping around in the freshly fallen (ahem, falling?) snow; what a perfect winter wonderland we had for Caroline to explore.